We Dig: The Daily Struggle with Addictions and Idolatry

prone to wander from God

“For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” Jeremiah 2:13 We all do this…in a million different ways throughout our lifetimes. Sometimes it’s pursuing good things like a job, career, or relationships with people. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/we-dig-the-daily-struggle-with-addictions-and-idolatry/

Help! My Thoughts Won’t Stop!!

As a counselor, one of the common things people struggle with are what I call spinning or out of control thoughts.  The psychological term for this is rumination and we all struggle with this.  Usually we ruminate about a fear or worry.  We are worried and afraid, so we continually think about it to try and solve …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/thoughts/

The Comparison Identity Trap

God is most glorified when I am most satisfied in Him

So what is up with girls? Deep down inside, we each long desperately to be known, understood, and loved for who we are (warts and all). We love finding girlfriends who just “get us”, who find us silly and fun. We are drawn to those friends that we have things in common with. As young …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/the-comparison-identity-trap/

What Am I Reacting To?

What Are You Reacting To?

 Reactions are strong emotions (i.e. anger) that we have in response to external events (i.e. being cut off in traffic) or people. For example, let’s say my spouse points out a mistake or corrects me in some area (this is a made up example…ha ha). I feel hurt, frustrated, and angry. Seems simple enough, a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/reacting/

The Not Perfect Christmas

  I love Christmas.  I love the cooler weather, the warm clothes, warm coffee, and snuggling under blankets with family.  I love buying gifts, wrapping gifts, giving gifts, attending Christmas Eve service, being with family, and watching Christmas movies.  Yet, let’s be honest ladies…Christmas for moms (or women in general) can be STRESSFUL.  As if …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/not-perfect-christmas/

Be a Friend to Yourself

We tend to be much harsher in our thoughts than we would ever be with a friend.  When we mess up or make a mistake or fall into temptation….most of us tend to then terrorize ourselves in our mind. What kinds of things are you saying to yourself?  Does it fall into this category:  I should have …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/friend/

The Six C’s for Managing Anxiety, Biblically

Looking for Biblical anxiety help? Anxiety is a powerful emotion that can develop into a vicious cycle.  It may start for one reason but the cycle can continue for different reasons.  See my previous post on anxiety is a more detailed explanation of how this cycle starts and continues. Now, understanding anxiety is helpful but …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/four-cs-managing-anxiety-biblically/


anxiety to peace

ANXIETY! What an ugly word that conjures images  of stressful moments, failures, fears, and bodily anguish!  Those that suffer from it know that it is the uninvited guest that completely destroys the present moment.  And, unless you’ve battled this monster, you don’t completely understand the intensity or cyclical nature of this problem.  So for all …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/whats-behind-anxiety/


mom juggle

  Parenting, The Great Surprise! Well, I became a mom almost 14 years ago (wow, when did I become so old?).  Although I love my kids and I love being mom, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, prepares you for this! I mean how did I become the finder of all lost things, the fixer of all …

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Permanent link to this article: https://counseling4hope.com/parenting/
