Top 5 Things that Hurt a Marriage and the Top 7 Things that Help

We all want a better, closer marriage. Learn what you are doing that is damaging your relationship and how to make it better. Want to change your interaction patterns? Want to do something different? Take a minute to consider these things that that hurt and wound the marriage relationship. Then take a look at the …

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Criticism or Compassion?

Which do you prefer…criticism or compassion? Seems like an easy choice right? I mean…who would choose compassion over criticism? Criticism hurts, it arouses our defenses, and brings with it self-doubt and pain. So who would willingly choose criticism over compassion? No one right? Well, maybe not from other people but many choose criticism over compassion …

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Grief, A Vital Process For A Healthy Life

Aimee Thompson, Counselor

Loss. Death. Mourning. Sadness. All these words come to mind for many of us when we think of grief. Most of us associate grief with a big loss, like the death of someone we love. In America, there is an unspoken expectation that grief happen quickly or privately. We rally around people during crisis and …

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Guard Your Heart. A How-To Guide.

How to Guard Your Heart

We hear this phrase a lot: guard your heart. What does this mean? Is guarding your heart a defensive maneuver meant to shield us from hurt? If that is true, does it mean isolating ourselves from others? Is it strictly for those that are dating? If it is about protection, that seems to contradict what God tells us …

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The Secret to Parenting Anxious Kids and Teens: What to Do and NOT Do

Parenting Anxious Kids

Parenting anxious kids and teens can be extremely difficult and overwhelming. What seems logical often fails to work. How many of these have you tried? Calm down! There’s nothing to be afraid of. Stop worrying, you’re fine. Let me tell you why you shouldn’t be afraid. We don’t have time for this! You’re too old …

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5 Anxiety Management Tips

anxiety relief

Seeking anxiety management tips that really work? Tired of struggling? Worn-out and exhausted by anxiety and stress? Want something different? We all struggle with anxiety and stress on some level. Yet, some of us experience it at more intense levels. These anxiety management tips are the most frequent things I teach in my counseling practice. …

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Identity Attacked

Identity Anchored

The idea of identity and its significance to our mental and emotional health has been rolling around in my head the last several weeks. Our ability to challenge lies, face fears, and stand up to temptation is all connected to our identity. So what is identity? It’s who, at the core of our being, we …

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Embracing Imperfection and Finding Freedom

perfection masquerades as good

That’s a strange thought for me. Embracing imperfection. Several years ago, I sat in my counselor’s office and he challenged me with this idea. Hi, my name is Aimee and I struggle with perfectionism. Anyone who knows me well will laugh at that statement…because it’s painfully true. I’m a first born, high-achiever, minister’s daughter. I …

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3 Ways to Change Your Thoughts (and Your Life)

Have you ever stopped to think about the number of thoughts you think a day? I mean, my mind is constantly going so the number has got to be high, right? So, I do what we all do when we have a question these days, I asked Google. A brief search revealed that apparently we …

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Shocked by Suffering

Not sure how to start this blog on suffering. It’s been a while since I’ve written. The unexpected happened in our family during the holidays. It doesn’t matter how much you intellectually know that we all experience suffering in life…it still catches you off guard and knocks you flat out! Trust me…I hear suffering all …

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