How to Deal with Difficult Family During the Holidays

Trees with orange leaves surround a walking path.

10 Tips for Navigating Family Conflict Often the holidays are depicted as a time of joy, togetherness, and peace.  Insert smiling faces, delicious food, and endless social media photos.  However, for many, it can also bring family conflict to the forefront.  Old conflicts, differing opinions, and high expectations can create stress during what should be …

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A Mindfulness Approach to Christmas

A snow globe helps us visualize how to settle the chaos. It is a common mindfulness practice.

How to Find Peace Amidst the Chaos of the Season using Mindfulness When I was younger, I remember the child-like awe I experienced when playing with a snow globe. It was exciting to shake it up and watch the snow settle.  The Christmas season, while joyous and exciting, comes with its own set of challenges …

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Video Counseling Sessions

We offer telehealth video and phone sessions in a safe, secure HIPPA compliant environment. Online sessions provide the same counseling experience but add safety, convenience, comfort, and flexibility. It is all the counseling and none of the commute! We have worked hard to innovate and adapt how we counsel for an online environment. Distance and …

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Calming Skills

calming skills

Feeling anxious? Want to learn calming skills? Not sure what to do? Anxiety can be a very miserable experience because of the physical process that goes along with it. Keep reading to learn why what you might have tried before doesn’t work and what can work. What Does Not Work and Why Often we think …

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Emotions Don’t Define Us: Reconsider Your View of Them

Emotions Don't Define Us

I’ve written quite a bit about emotions and their purpose for us. They give us information and they are wise friends who speak truth into us. Yet this morning I am reflecting on the idea that often we allow our emotions to define us. Emotions were never meant to define….that is a distortion we create …

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Video Blog: Anxiety and Philippians 4, Reading it Differently

counseling for hope

This week I am trying something new…a video blog….and now apparently a YouTube channel. Yikes! Not sure about this. It feels super vulnerable but I’m hoping it is a new way to share helpful content with you guys. Anxiety is something we all face and I am sure you’ve heard Philippians 4:6 and maybe you …

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Ladies, Trying to Control Everything Might Actually be Hurting You

Aimee Thompson, Counselor

Calling all busy moms and wives trying to do it all. Do you find yourself exhausted? Worn out? If your answer is yes, let me say. Stop, sit down, take a deep long slow breath in, hold it, then let it out. Take a few minutes to just be fully present in this moment. I …

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How to Get the Most Out of Counseling

Make the most of counseling

Counseling is an investment. It’s an investment in you. An investment in the healing of present and past pain so it doesn’t continue to impact you in the same way. Counseling isn’t just another person to talk to but sitting with a highly trained person who is skilled to be fully present with you, fully attuned …

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Wanting an Instant Fix: How Our Instant-Upload Culture has Distorted Our Perspective on Change

Instant Fix

Instant fix. Sounds nice doesn’t it? Isn’t that what we’ve come to expect….a instant quick fix. I wonder if we have the right view of change? That may sound like a silly question. But seriously, how long do you think real life change takes? You see I’m wondering if we have unrealistic expectations when it …

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The Troubled Journey: A Parable of Life, Obstacles, and Hope

Troubled Journey

This week I am excited to share a parable written by my son.  It’s an amazing picture of what I’ve observed personally in my own life and as a counselor who sits with many people on a troubled journey. There was once a person, who sat, troubled. For this person had been on a journey, …

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